

Pharmacy compounding offers customized solutions to treat acute and chronic pain. Provides valuable benefits with the avoidance of potential adverse side effects experienced caused by commonly prescribed pain medications.  Compounding allows a prescriber and pharmacist to tailor the medication dosage that best suits the patient’s needs.

Women’s Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

As part of the normal aging process for women hormone imbalance is experienced. This imbalance may cause many women to experience a plethora of changes such as, hot flashes, weight gain or inability to lose weight, fatigue, mood swings, depression, insomnia, memory loss, thinning hair, decreased muscle mass, skin changes, genital changes such as frequent urine loss, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and psycho-social issues related to decreased libido & sexual response.
Our experienced pharmacists partner with the patient and the prescriber to reduce and treat the symptoms associated with hormone imbalance, this is achieved thru a personalized pharmaceutical plan of care.
Customized treatment options for many other health issues experienced by women are also available through our specialty pharmacy services.


Hormone Therapy for Men

As part of the natural aging process many men experience signs of low testosterone including inability to concentrate, irritability, memory loss, decreased energy, depression, loss of libido, and increased fat with decreased muscle mass.
Our experienced pharmacists partner with the patient and prescriber to reduce the symptoms of low testosterone.
Customized treatment options for low testosterone and many other health issues experienced by men are available through our specialty pharmacy services.

Pain Management

Pain is the most common symptom for which individuals seek medical help. Acute pain easily can evolve into chronic pain, which can become difficult to treat.
